Google Form Repair Request


The Problem

Our Client used the punch list tool to track all repair requests for their residential property. However, Procore didn’t offer an option to allow non Procore users to enter data into directly into the Punchlist. Our client had a dedicated staff that converts the service request from Google Forms to a Procore punch list. This was inefficient and delayed the response time since all requests needed to wait unit the staff was available to enter them. Our clients asked us to create a tool that directly convert repair requests made via the Google Form into a punch list item.

The Solution

In order to connect Google Forms to Procore, we needed to create an intermediate tool that connects the two applications. The tool was hosted on a cloud service and is running 24/7. Once a repair request is made via Google Forms, the information gets send automatically to the Tool we created. The tool then cleans up data and send it to the appropriate project in Procore. This completely eliminated the need for the manual addition of service requests in Procore, freeing our client’s staff to do other responsibilities

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